The second night I arrived, my friend Shae told me of her good friend's reunion with family. They were at the orphanage and a man walked in the yard. Her friend, Saintilye, (pronounced san-sil-lay) jumped and ran to meet the man. It was his cousin who they had not known if he were alive or dead.
A little boy at the orphanage was praying at the end of the evening. He thanked God that he had a home and then he prayed that all the boys and girls would have mommies and daddies. AMAZING.
I cannot recount the countless times I would be discouraged, or more to the point inconvenienced, when I would hear one of the nannies praying or singing, or the children singing "Hail Jesus, you're my king". Even the children singing "God Our Father We Thank You" as they blessed their food reminded me of God's great love and care for all those who fear Him. Not just for those who happen to have money or more access to finer things. GOD IS HERE!
What a praise. Yes, there are the sounds of the voodoo drums at night, but PRAISE THE LORD there is the resounding sound of HIS praise going forth the next day. It would be quite easy to focus on Satan and his trappings. I've been praying and am still doing so that GOD would help me focus on Him. I've never been more content with something as small as having a pillow at night or just being glad to have electricity so the fans would work.
I pray GOD would keep me here. Not necessarily in the same place outwardly. That will change. But inwardly, I pray that I would always be grateful for the little things that GOD has given to me and remind myself that if He can bless an orphan with gratefulness to have food and a home, He can do the same for me.
GOD bless you.